Saturday, August 21, 2010

Shutting off Metabolic Syndrome

Shutting off Metabolic Syndrome

Because hectic city-residents regularly eat fast food, dining out meals which have majority of the portion in meat and only a little vegetables, and rarely do exercises, they have higher risk of overweight, consequently causing metabolic syndrome.

What is Metabolic Syndrome?

Metabolic Syndrome is a warning to our body rather than a specific disease. It happens when a group of health problems take place at the same time, including low high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol central obesity (the main factor), elevated blood pressure and blood sugar, high triglycerides, etc.

Severity of Metabolic Syndrome

As refer to the International Diabetes’s statistics, 25 percent of the adults across the world have metabolic syndrome. According to the research result, on average, 17 out of 100 people suffer from metabolic syndrome disorder. Among the sufferers, most of them are more defenseless to cardiovascular disease, diabetes, coronary heart disease, and stroke as compare to normal people. Metabolic syndrome sufferers chances for them to have diabetes and cardiovascular diseases are as twice to 5-6 times higher than normal people. Besides, according to the research, more and more cases are found in young people these days, which is practically 20% secondary school students are overweight while 10% or 20-29 age group has Metabolic Syndrome disorder. Such youth are twice to 6 times higher than normal people to have heart disease and diabetes.

High Risk of Fat

Metabolic Syndrome is an attribute to overloaded body fat around the belly. In actual fact, fat cells in our body do not only accumulate body’s excess calories, but also function as a place for keeping endocrine tissues. This will further lead to hormone secretion imbalance and affect body functions such as below:

· The additional fat cells we have, the more discharge of cytokine in our body, which result in hardening of our blood vessels and body swelling, also effects the insulin ’s sensitivity

· Adiponectin is something that may develop and improve the insulin sensitivity. However, with the increase of fat in our body; it will dramatically reduces the discharge of adiponectin

Besides having a not so nice figure from outside, the primary issue with the fat around our belly is it will generate free fatty acids. These free fatty acids causes big damage to the body by giving us problems such as diabetes, high blood pressure, fatty liver, high cholesterol and etc.

Healthy Lifestyle in avoiding Metabolic Syndrome

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle will enable us to stay away from metabolic syndrome. We should always maintain a balance diet. Balance diet means having meals in regular basis and choosing meals which contains more fiber, less oil, sugar, and salt

· Stay away from smoking

· Cut down consume of alcohol

· Practice regular body checkup

· Do exercise on regular basis, for example walk for an hour or jog for 30 minutes daily

· Check your body weight regularly. A healthy body weight is around BMI: 18.5 – 22.9

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