Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Gout vs. Vitamin C

Gout vs. Vitamin C???

What is Gout?

Gout is a kind of arthritis that happens when the level of uric acid accumulated in our body is too high, and triggers the forming of crystal deposit in joints. This causes pain, swelling and inflammation at the joints.

Gout can also be hereditary. Gout more often than not affects men age above 40 however it could also happen to women after their menstrual cycle ceases, normally occurring at an age of 45 to 50.

What causes gout?

When the body generates a large amount uric acid, or does not generate enough of it, the acid will build up in tissues in the shape of needle-like crystals. This in turn will triggers much of pain to the body.

Factors that increase the risk of developing gout include:

i. Excessive intake of foods which is contains plenty of purines. Uric acid is produced as soon as purines split up. Foods, particularly high in purine content are for example mackerel, beef, goose, organ meats, sweetbreads, anchovies, mussels and yeast. Other types of meats, fish, poultry and shellfish are moderately high in purines. Besides, food like spinach, mushrooms, asparagus, beans, dried peas and lentils also enclose moderate amounts of purines.

ii. Drinking too much alcohol.

iii. High blood pressure.

iv. A family history of gout.

v. High levels of triglycerides.

vi. Infections, obesity and physical and emotional stress.

What is its symptoms?

Symptoms of gout include pain in a single joint, typically at the bottom of the big toe. It can also affect other joints such as the elbows, feet, fingers, knees, wrists or ankles.

The joints may appear in purple-red color, swollen, hot and inflexible.

Vitamin C good for Gout Prevention?

From the finding of a lately published 20-year long study suggests that Vitamin C may protect against Gout. According to the finding, the risk of developing gout can be overcome with a higher intake of vitamin C from our daily diet and supplement which is available for purchase in the market.

The result shows that the risk for a person developing gout fell almost 17% with every increase intake of 500mg vitamin C intake.

Other factors that may affect the result are the diet plan or alcohol consumption. It shows that a useful vitamin C plays an important role in reduce the level of uric acid in human body thus as a result prevent our body from developing gout.

Vitamin C may have an effect on the re-absorption of our body’s uric acid by our kidneys; it also boost up the momentum at which the normal speed that kidneys work and look after our body against swelling, for this reason it trim down our possibility in developing gout.

Where can we find our vitamin C?

Foods that are rich in vitamin C are mostly fruits especially citrus fruits such as orange, grapefruit, lemon and lime.

Studies have shown that as we age, our ability to maintain a suitable level of vitamin C in our blood and tissues decrease, and hence we need to intake the vitamin through food or supplement more regularly.

It is important to note that if vitamin C is taken as a supplement, it works better if we include intake of citrus bioflavonoid as well.

1 comment:

  1. Good Topic I like this topic great lines about Vitamin C how it is use and control over body thank you for this infomation and get more information about healthy body just clik on Health Tips.
