Monday, July 26, 2010

Natural Sunlight

Natural Sunlight vs. Physical & Mental Health

Modern people have limitation in their living environment and lifestyle besides rest and sleep. A lot of daily activities have been conducted in indoor. Therefore, there is not much opportunity that they could fully expose to natural sunlight. Even if they have the opportunity to go outside, some people will try to block the sun in various ways due to the deviation concept.

Sunshine is the survival of all organisms on earth and also, the most basic and most important growth condition.

All our nutrient intakes, minerals and vitamins have their own unique energy absorption spectrum. Natural light has a red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet balanced and complete wavelength and energy. It can penetrate human skin, go into the human body, interact and response with various chemicals and minerals. It also assists the essential nutrient of the body's synthesis as well as different types of waste decomposition and excreted. Therefore, the sun not only a key influence for plant growth; it also is quite decisive to human health.

Positive Function of Sunlight on Health

The modern science findings show that the natural sunlight would increase human body's oxygen absorption, decreased heartbeat rate, accelerate the skin's metabolism, regulates immune system, even improve the muscle energy. At the same time the whole spectrum of light source also has sterilization function. In 1980, the scientist has proven in one study, that the whole spectrum of natural sunlight or artificial light can treat jaundice as the specific wavelength in the light can transform bilirubin in the blood into harmless substance. Besides, medical expert always advice us that sunbathing helps in calcium absorption. This is due to the absorption of calcium in human body mainly depending on Vitamin D.

The body must use ultraviolet from the sun to the skin to synthesis Vitamin D3 and combine the calcium absorption in small intestinal. The calcium absorption rate will be affected if body lack of Vitamin D; even though if you consume much calcium to the body; it will not help in bone growth.

Therefore, the natural sunlight is a big help for the growth of children’s’ skeletal muscle and the prevention of osteoporosis in middle-aged elderly.

Sunlight will also directly affect human’s health in psychology and emotional. When the light is sufficient (like during the day), the brain will produce serotonin which make people more energetic, cheerful; but in the night, when less light go into the eyes, the serotonin will turn into melatonin which make people more quite and easily to sleep. Therefore, it is important to maintain a normal day-and-night natural light exposure rhythm in order to get enough sleep and keeping mentally healthy.

Meanwhile, the experts also found that human biological clock, endocrine and physiological rhythm disorder will happen if we lack of exposure to sunlight. In serious cases, it is more likely to lead to mood disorders, or even may also become depressed.

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