Friday, September 10, 2010

Supplementary Nutrition for Us and Recovered Patients

Nutrition is the fundamental if health and food is the source of nutrition. Our bodies have to absorb a balanced nutrition in order to stay healthy. People who have food preference and lifestyle that unable to allow them to carry out a balanced nutrition could actually use supplementary nutrition to achieve the objective.

The foods turn into ingredients or elements after going through our body’s digestion system; we called the elements as “nutrients”. The typical nutrients include protein, carbohydrate, fat, minerals, vitamins and etc.

Every different kind food provides us with different kind of nutrient. We should make it a habit to have variety food in order for us to have a balanced nutrient. Generally, we can follow the Food Pyramid as a standard of our daily nutrition indicator. The lowest layer in the food pyramid are our basic foods, for example, bread, noodle, oat, and etc. We could try to cut down the intake portion as we go further up in the Food Pyramid, for example red meat, desserts that contain high sugar, etc. A lot of people are aware of the food pyramid, however many are not following it as the food indicator. This is due to people tend to have preference when it comes to food and many are found fond of food that are at the top level of the food pyramid. For example, we all know that vegetables are very important, but many will still take meat and high fat food and a minimum of vegetables on our daily diet.

Regardless if we are normal, infirm, or obese; the food pyramid is always the standard nutrition indicator. For patients who are before and after surgery and special case people, they might need to seek advice from the doctor and go through testing such as blood, weight, height, and BMI testing and etc to understand the body situation before taking any nutritional supplements.

It is very important for patients after surgery to have nutrition supplementary. If the patients do not have sufficient nutrients, the wound healing process will be slow. With the balanced nutrition, the body recovery process with be much faster.

Guides in Choosing Nutrition Product:

There are a variety of supplementary nutrition products in the market.  How do we actually choose the nutrition products? Normally, you could seek advice from doctors or pharmacists, or nutritionists.
Below are some points that you should look out when buying a nutrition product:

1. The products which have “Complete Nutrition” stated.
2. The product is produced by company that is well-known and have years of experience background.
3. The product that suits the patient appetite. Family members or care takers can easily mix the product in the food recipe for patient easy consume.
4. Types of nutrition product:
    a. Complete Nutrition
    b. Products mainly for cancer, diabetes, lactose intolerance, nephropathy,
    c. Supplement for iron, calcium

Monday, September 6, 2010

Sudden Hair Loss

At certain age in life, some people might experience a suddenly hair loss. What is causing the sudden hair loss? There are two reasons which may cause the sudden hair loss. First, it might be already inherited in the gene or second, it is due to the stress one might experience. Hair loss is very common to happen to males; however some female might face the hair loss problem as well. 

As for the reason which is inherited, the person will not experience hair loss out of sudden. He/she might have notice it over a period of time and as the time passes it gets more serious. You will notice hair loss when you see there’s a large tuft of hair attach to your comb when you brush your hair each day.  For hair loss due to stress, this happens when the stress that one is facing actually affect the hormones system in the inner body.

When you experience sudden hair loss, you should contact your doctor immediately to seek for reason which causes the sudden hair loss. If your family does not inherit hair loss and there is no other stresses you may relate in your life, and you have not taken any medication which cause hair loss side effects, the sudden hair loss might be a sign of early beginning of a disease, for example diabetes or it might just be a scalp infection.

Hair loss due to psychological reasons is normally related to overwork, emotional pressure or anxiety. 
Those reasons are uncontrollable. It will cause emotional instability and further affect body performance. However, those cases are often short-term which will end when the stressful time stops. Hormone imbalance is a physical cause for hair loss. Hair production requires a hormone named DHT hormone which is related to the production of hormone estrogen.

A few tips in preventing hair loss:

i. Maintain a nutrient diet. Taking food which has a balance in meats, dairy products, sufficient minerals, vegetables, fruits and vitamins is essential in staying away from hair loss. Try to avoid added coloring or sugar in the food that you take.

ii. Practice to have a fix sleep time, good sleep and carry out some relaxation. Try to find a 20 minutes in your day to just take deep breath and concentrate on good feelings. Let you mind to relax and distress. A good sleep at night is very crucial in lightening the stress. Make sure you have sufficient sleep and sleep well to release your stress.

iii. Go for work out regularly. Work out could help in balancing the adrenaline hormone in our body. You will find your sleep having a good sleep every time after work out. Besides, work out can improve your health at the same time.