Wednesday, June 30, 2010

A “Good Talker” is more Happy…

The researchers discover that happy people are more talkative than non-happy people. Nevertheless, the talks have more content and in-depth. In University of Arizona (United States), the researchers have done a research on 79 students. They allow every student to carry a recording equipment. The recording equipment will do a 30 second-auto recording every 12.5 minutes. In four days time, the recording equipments have successfully recorded a total of 23,000 audio clips, 300 on average per person.

The researchers divided these audio clips into chat and substantive conversation; e.g. “What do you have? Pop corn? Yummy!” belongs to chat, and “Did your dad fall in love with her?” belongs to substantive conversation.

Meanwhile, the researchers also test on the students’ characters and physical and mental conditions. They combine the test results together with the audio clips. The research author, Assistant Professor of Psychology, University of Arizona, says; the result has shown that meaningful and substantial conversation could enhance human happiness.

Happy people are not lonely

Analysis shown, physical and mental healthy people have very little time alone; they talk with others often. The most happy student has 25% less time alone and 70% more time talking with others then the most unhappy student. Researchers believe that the experimental results show that, happy people living in more interpersonal communication, they have more substantial or in-depth conversation, their life is not lonely and shallow.


Patrick, my father, is age 69 this year. He is always passionate in searching, exploring, and sharing his discoveries in health. He was a civil engineer till I was age 13. Due to the economic crisis; he started his full time research in discovering the hidden treasures of health. My childhood memory was doing Book Fairs hopping; news papers cutting, food experiments with my dad. After years of his study and research, he believes strongly in his philosophy that "health" could be gain throughout our basic daily routines and activities. Ever since, he travels to different places sharing his knowledge and findings in maintaining good health cost effectively without sacrificing our hard earn money or our savings. WE could really earn our "health" without spending our fortune.